Situation: A golfer tells his playing partner that he took 10 strokes on a par-5 hole. However, a few holes later, he realizes he made a mistake and that he actually took only 9 strokes on that hole. Can he correct his score on the scorecard? Reply: In stroke play, a player has the right to corre...
Situation: In a stroke play golf tournament, golfer A approaches the 17th hole with a four-stroke lead and only one b...
The One-Ball Rule is a local regulation (G-4) that the competition committee can adopt to enhance the level of play i...
How much time do you have to wait for the ball to drop into the hole when it's right on the lip You hit your tee shot...
Don't panic if your ball gets stuck! New golf rules allow you to take relief from an embedded ball anywhere in the ge...
What should you keep in mind if you attend a golf tournament as a spectator? The biggest difference between golf and ...
When dropping a ball during relief, the player should be careful not to let the ball touch any person or object. Situ...
The provisional ball rule is one of the most helpful rules in golf. If you think your ball might be lost after a shot...
If a player takes relief from a cart path and their stance is still on the path, but they decide to play the ball fro...
In professional golf tournaments around the world, it's quite common for a golfer's ball to hit a spectator. So, what...
This is a situation where understanding the rules can be applied to achieve the best score. Scenario: On a par-3 hole...
Situation: A golfer's ball is stuck on a tree branch. The branch is located out-of-bounds. However, due to the wind, ...